These workshops prepare participants for the demands of young adult life. Our young people are taught essential new skills and how to express themselves creatively. Throughout our sessions we encourage positive attitudes and behavioural self-managment, which are paramount to overcoming the numerous challenges young people face on a daily basis.
All workshops conclude with a presentation to recognising our participants' achievements. We are currently developing new workshops to expand our Life Skills offering.
We have successfully delivered the following workshops across London:

Money Management Masterclass
Our Masterclass will enable young people between 14 - 25 year olds a better understanding and be able to manage money better.
The Masterclass aims to increase money management confidence, make the most of any money you have, understanding everyday financial terms, i.e.. Payslips, Tax codes etc.. and online Financial safeguards. Learning skills will also include saving, Budgeting and understanding borrowing safeguards.

Drama & Performance
Our Drama & Performance sessions teach young people how to write short plays, monologues and musical theatre pieces. In addition, participants gain confidence through acting, singing and performing the pieces they create. Youth theatre is a great outlet for creative expression and significantly improves communication and social skills, self awareness and self esteem.

Healthy Cooking
Taught by internationally acclaimed chefs, this project teaches young people new culinary skills: cooking on a budget, knife handling and healthy eating habits. Participants come away knowing how to make fast, nutritional meals for under £3, taking these skills home and transferring them to their local community.