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JAF Mentors work with children and young people from the ages of 8 to 18, 21 with disabilities. Our holistic mentoring programmes are specifically tailored to meet the unique and individual needs of each child and young person referred to us. We also work with young people who are:
also at risk of offending.

working with a range of  professionals from industry's to inspire and  provide career mentorship and opportunities

JAF provide support to raise educational attainment by providing literacy and numeracy support.
primary target group black males

Enabling positive social interactions with parents, peers

Tailored intervention to meet the wider school objectives I.e. reduction in exclusion, improved punctuality and general absenteeism
We specialise in mentoring children and young people who exhibit challenging behaviour. Amongst the most common causes are; a difficulty communicating and expressing frustrations, mental health, socioeconomic status and home environment.  These behaviours commonly manifest themselves in the following ways; self-harming, self-injurious behaviour, sexual behaviour, aggressive/destructive behaviour and absconding. Understanding this enabled us to create our Early Intervention Mentoring and Crisis Intervention Mentoring, programmes.


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